Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The one with links to like

Wildlife photography

How to make your morning better 

A cherry candle

What happens before and after drinking 1, 2, and 3 glasses of wine

Metallica, Jimmy Fallon and the Roots
I was a really big fan in high school :-)

 What if the Harry Potter books were written from Nevilles perspective

This flamingo and this Karl Lagerfeld pin

Friday, November 11, 2016

The one with the vintage cars

Since a while my obsession with doors, have been somewhat replaced with vintage cars (although I still like a good door once in a while). It seems that these babies have been crossing my path quite often lately. There happen to be some pretty cool ones in the area I live!

I am not alone with my love for vintage cars, each sunday a whole bunch of Instagrammers use the hashtag #asundaycarpic to accompany their vintage cars-findings. I love seeing what people post at the end of the weekend!