Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The one with links to like

The journey of a couture dress

I borrowed this one from Diana's blog, this is how Tim Gunn spends his sundays

Texts from dogs, I think these are hilarious! 

Playgrounds around the world

Classic album covers in Google street view

How about a cute floral notebook?

This weekend, I'll be making this


  1. You're so sweet! I love those photos of playgrounds around the world! Happy Tuesday, sweetie.

  2. The texts from dogs was hilarious - I needed a good laugh today, thanks :)
    Cool album covers and I had to pin that delicous avocado toast!

    1. Happy that the texts made you smile! I'll let you know how that avocado toast turned out, I love everything that has avocado or cilantro in it, but I've never combined the two.

  3. I love that photo of the monks. It reminds me of when I lived at a Buddhist center. They loved to play basketball! And Tim Gunn is forever my idol.

    1. Love mister Gunn too, he always seems to be such a sweetheart, and a very well dressed one!

  4. Tim Gunn amazes me being so motivated on a Sunday. Museums are just as relaxing as nature walks. I never would have thought him to be someone who watched Big Bang theory! The Dior dress journey is amazing. The playgrounds from around the world is such an interesting collection!

  5. I love all the great photos of the playgrounds around the world. Really great photography.
    And I want to try some of that Avocado Toast. =0)

  6. Loved the "Texts from Dogs"!
    & that floral notebook is so pretty!

  7. I saw that article about Tim Gunn, too! He's such a delight, and I love that he's been a member of the Met for so long. :-)

  8. The dog texts made me laugh so hard I cried. Seriously, so funny!


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