A big cliché, but I can't believe it's december already, feels like the year just started. Where did those first eleven months go? So far, my struggle with winter (I know, technically winter hasn't even begun) isn't that unmanageable this year. Normally, I get really bummed out by the cold and shorter days, but so far it's not that bad. We haven't had any snow at all and not much rain, let's hope it stays that way! I wouldn't mind a white Christmas, it's the slush-part that follows after the snow-part that go along with it that I dislike. In just a couple of weeks the shortest day will be behind us, and we will slowly be going towards my favourite season: spring. That time of year when you can leave scarf, gloves and hat at home again, without any bodyparts freezing off. Having the knowledge that you have a whole summer ahead! Going out for icecream, wearing ballet-flats, sipping on cold drinks, evenings of reading books out on the balcony, after dinner walks, and buying red fruits at the farmers markt. Oh my, I think I am getting ahead of things. Lets rewind, get back to december, and tackle winter first. Here are the things I liked this week.

This beautiful balcony
Saturday drinks, I love the pretty illustrations on the labels
What's a week without a new good looking door!
Happy to see something green on a grey day
Happy enveloppes make my mailbox very happy
Something else making me happy, my new wintercoat, with many thanks to granny
How has your week been? Are you team winter, or team summer? I hope your weekend is fantastic so far, enjoy the rest of it! Cheers and hope to see you next week.