Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The one with likeable links

A droolworthy apartment, that's up for grabs

Wonders in the sky

Foods that helps you sleep at night 

Talking about sleep....

How to upgrade a simple clutch

Untranslatable (we also have some in Dutch)

How cool is the Canadian passport?

The Friends intro, without the music


  1. The Canadian passport just got my attention... that is amazing!! I'm actually doing a custom painting for client inspired by old Montreal city hall - and it was a so fun to see an article about Canada in your blog! I feel connected... lol

  2. I am so pulling out my passport when I go in a rave next time! :D

  3. FUNtastic links today :)
    The flock of birds is really amazing. I can think of even more untranslatable words in German and the DIY clutch is a cute idea!

  4. The Friends intro is so cool! Ah, what a gem! xoxo

  5. Hello greetings.

    WONDERS IN THE SKY is something that is free and awe inspiring provided we take the time to see and appreciate. There are wonders in the sky every day but we are so busy that we don't have the the time to look up and admire. The sunsets, sunrises, clouds, moon, stars, changing colors of the sky depending on the time of the day etc. are marvels to be admired and experienced.

    Best wishes

  6. There's definitely a term for one of those 'untranslatable' words (abbiocco). It's "food coma!" I guess it isn't a single word, though. I really like that German one for making a small problem bigger.
    Fun links, for sure!

  7. The untranslatable article is interesting. I never thought about how some words just can't be translated into another language. The Canadian passport is great! What a festive country to include fireworks.

  8. I need to eat some more of those foods to help me sleep better at night.

  9. Loved the passport I also like these untranslatable words I think a Dutch one would be gezellig

  10. that bird video is awesome! all the links are great.

  11. The Canadian passport is amazing! And the photo of that apartment is beautiful, I love the off white color and the minimalist interiors


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